wpDataTables Addons

wpDataTables is an extremely feature-rich WordPress Tables plugin; it has 60+ features out-of-the-box, yet if this is not enough, addons can extend the functionality even further! Check out Powerful Filters for cascade filtering, Master-Detail Tables, an addon for native Gravity Forms integration, Formidable Forms integration, Forminator Forms integration, and Report Builder which allows generating real-time reports in Excel XLSX and Word DOCX format based on your wpDataTables data.


A powerful tool that allows you to create responsive, sortable tables & charts based on Forminator Forms submissions. More details about the Forminator Add-On...


A wpDataTables addon which allows showing additional details for a specific row in a popup or a separate page or post. More details about Master-Detail...


A Cascade Filter for WordPress tables – and a lot of other additional filtering tools for wpDataTables. More details about Powerful Filters...

A “Bridge” between wpDataTables and one of most popular drag&drop Form Builder plugins for WordPress. More details about the Gravity Add-On...

One more useful integration tool for wpDataTables and a best-selling Form Builder plugin for WordPress. More details about the Formidable Add-On...

An integration for wpDataTables – a Word DOCX and Excel XLSX / reports generator tool. Get documents generated in real time. More details about Report Builder...

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