Milan Jovanovic

Milan Jovanovic

Product Lead

Scatter Plots: The Ultimate Guide

Imagine unearthing patterns hidden within seas of data with a simple, yet powerful tool – scatter plots. Picture this: each dot representing a story, a clue that, when combined, reveals trends, connections, and insights that could revolutionize your understanding of…

Funnel Charts: The Ultimate Guide

Imagine this: your website’s the stage, and every visitor’s part of the audience, each at different rows of seats. Now picture funnel charts as the spotlight, guiding you smoothly from the back rows to the thrilling front row—the conversion zone.…

Scatter Charts: The Ultimate Guide

Ever stared at a sea of numbers, feeling like you’re deciphering an ancient code? Scatter charts transform that enigma into clarity. They’re the cartographers of data, mapping the relationship between two variables on a canvas bristling with plotted points, each dot a…

Gauge Charts: The Ultimate Guide

Ever found yourself in a maze of data, feeling like you’re circling round and round, seeking a beacon of clarity? Take a breath. Gauge charts are your lighthouse. Here’s the deal: information is power, yet raw data can be an indigestible…

Histograms: The Ultimate Guide

Picture this: With a quick glance, you unravel a tale of numbers—a narrative woven by none other than a humble histogram. It’s more than just a graph; it’s the Rosetta Stone for statisticians and data enthusiasts, unlocking insights from endless…