How to Embed a Google Form in WordPress

Collecting customer data is not possible without the help of a Google Form. This information allows businesses and online blogs to add new members to their platforms.

Everyone who has an online business needs to learn how to embed a Google Form in WordPress.

To be effective, a Google Form must be well-built with a clear presentation of the data. Take time to think through the design of the form.

This is vital when using forms to generate leads, register event attendees, and carry out surveys.

WordPress users can edit and customize documents, sheets, slides, and forms through Google. Adding Google Forms to WordPress websites is free if the user has a Google account.

Since the latest update, Google Forms are more convenient and easier to use.

The Benefits of the Google Forms Application

The Google Forms application is part of the Google Drive office suite. For simple tasks, Google Forms should be your go-to option. Google Forms is the easiest way to create forms, there is no doubt about that, but although it offers many features compared to some of the Google Forms alternatives, it might fall short, so if you are looking for a really advanced form builder with advanced features such as payment integrations, you ought to check out the other form builders in the market.

It is convenient and efficient for creating forms for websites and other platforms.

Provides a Simple Interface

When it comes to Google forms, simplicity is key. It draws people to view the important details, instead of focusing on the design.

Allows Users to Create Registration Forms, Quizzes, and Online Surveys

When hosting an important event, it is helpful to know the number of attendees. This way hosts can prepare the right amount of drinks and meals to serve the visitors.

With the Google Form application, it is easy to create registration forms, quizzes, and online surveys.

Other Benefits

  • Comes with customizable and powerful features
  • Enables media items insertion
  • Produces real-time responses
  • Comes with several add-ons

Reasons To Choose Google Forms Instead of Contact Form 7 or Ninja Forms

In WordPress, there are several form creators available. Each of these can create surveys, quizzes, and registrations.

For those considering Google Forms, the following features are worth noting:

  • Convenient to use
  • Users can add images and videos from Youtube directly into the form’s questions
  • Comes with add-ons to improve its functionality
  • Organized and neatly-arranged
  • View real-time responses
  • Access all forms in a single section
  • Google Drive stores all the data

  • Share the forms with other team members and collaborate
  • Work on a single form and share it on different pages

  • Allows users to save the data into a spreadsheet
  • Responsive forms allow users to create, edit, and respond to new answers

The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Google Form

Before learning how to embed a Google Form in WordPress, it is important to know how to create one. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a Google Form:

  • Log in to your Google Drive account, then find Google Form.
  • In the Google Drive account’s top-left section, select New > More > Google Forms.

  • A blank form will appear, or the user can choose from different templates.
  • Introduce the form to your respondents by entering a form title and description.
  • Fill out the form fields. Google’s AI will create a format for the responses based on the details entered.

Users can modify this according to their preferences.

  • Ensure the Google Form’s design complements the website theme. It is possible to change the font, video, and add more images.

However, a Google Form has limited customization. There could be challenges in matching it completely to the landing page layout.

Learn How to Embed a Google Form in WordPress

A simple way to do this is to embed the Google Form’s iframe code onto the WordPress website.

Here are the steps to make this possible:

  • On the Google screen, look for the “Send” option in the upper-right corner.
  • A “Send” form pop-up will appear, offering various ways to send a Google Form.

  • Go to the Embed HTML option (the one with two-outward facing carets symbol). Select the iframe code, then paste it on the clipboard.
  • Having obtained the HTML code snippet, users can embed the Google Form in WordPress.
  • Visit the page section where the Google Form is to be embedded.

  • Users can add a custom HTML block if they have the WordPress Block Editor.
  • Users can customize the Google Forms interface according to their style and preferences.
  • When editing a form in the Google Forms interface, go to Theme Options to start editing.

The Ultimate Guide for Adding Google Forms to WordPress with a Plugin

When embedding the form’s code into WordPress, users have only limited customization options. It retains Google’s default style, which might not complement the overall theme’s design.

There is another option available. To create more customizable forms, the Google Forms WordPress plugin can help. 

It allows users to manage and edit forms from the WordPress dashboard section. What’s more, it comes with more customization choices for Google Forms.

CSS Prefix

Users can style forms differently by adding a CSS prefix at the beginning of each class name in a Google Form.


This allows the users to create a form that is only readable, but not editable.


Users have the option to boost security by adding Captcha to the WordPress form. That will secure the form from spambots and spammy responses.


Users can split the form responses from 2-10 columns.

The Google Forms WordPress plugin is easy and convenient to use. The only problem is that it doesn’t work with the latest Google Forms update.

To use the plugin, users should revert to the old version. Here is how to do it:

  • To go back to the previous version, go to the Google Forms interface. Click on the question mark in the bottom-right corner.
  • Click on the “Back to the old Forms” button.

  • Select the “View to live form” button to receive and copy the form’s direct link.

  • Visit Google Forms, then add New Google Form in the WordPress dashboard section.

  • Paste the copied form link to the Form URL field.

The Google Forms WordPress plugin comes with various options. Users can add a CAPTCHA, split the form into many columns, and exclude certain elements.

They can also override the default Google Forms text, use custom CSS classes, and add a custom confirmation page.

FAQ on Embedding a Google Form in WordPress

How Do I Add Google Forms to My WordPress Website?

You know, it’s actually pretty straightforward. First off, go to your Google Form, right? Click on the ‘send’ button and grab the iframe code from the embed tab.

Now, head over to your WordPress site, pick the page or post where this form needs to go, and switch to the ‘Text’ editor. Just paste the code right there, and bam, you should be all set!

Can I Use a Plugin to Embed Google Forms in WordPress?

You bet, there are plugins for pretty much everything in WordPress! One popular choice is “Google Forms”.

You just install it, and it lets you embed forms and even customize the appearance a bit. You find the form on Google, grab its ID, put it in the plugin’s settings on your WordPress site, and you’re good to go. It’s pretty user-friendly!

Is It Possible to Make the Embedded Google Form Responsive?

Yeah, I’ve wondered about that too! Google Forms are not responsive by default when you embed them. But, no worries, you can make it happen with a bit of CSS magic.

You’d have to wrap the iframe in a div and then add some custom CSS to make it adapt to different screen sizes. It’s a bit of work, but totally worth it for a slick look on mobile!

Any Tips on Customizing the Look of My Google Form in WordPress?

Oh, absolutely! Google Forms are kinda plain out of the box, but you’ve got options. If you’re comfy with CSS, you can add your own styles directly in your WordPress theme.

Change colors, fonts, whatever you fancy. Just inspect the form elements with your browser’s developer tools to find the right selectors. Another route? There are also third-party tools that let you style Google Forms before embedding them.

What’s the Best Way to Add a Google Form to a WordPress Post or Page?

Sure thing, adding a Google Form to a post or a page, it’s the same deal. Grab the embed code from Google Forms, then go to your WordPress editor, switch to the ‘Text’ view, and paste the code where you want the form to appear. Just make sure to switch back to the ‘Visual’ view to check everything looks good.

And if you want it in a widget area like the sidebar or footer, you’d use a ‘Custom HTML’ widget for that.

Can I Embed a Google Form Without Using a Plugin?

Yep, you absolutely can! You just need the embed code from your Google Form. Just go to your form, hit ‘send’, grab the iframe code from the embed tab, and paste it in your WordPress editor’s ‘Text’ mode. It’s a no-fuss, straightforward way to get your form on your site.

How Do I Make Sure My Google Form is Secure When Embedded in WordPress?

Security, right? Super important. When you’re embedding a Google Form in WordPress, most of the security stuff is on Google’s end since the form is hosted there.

Just make sure your Google account is secure, use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, all that good stuff. On the WordPress side, keep everything updated and maybe use a security plugin. Just basic good practices!

Are There Any Limitations to Embedding Google Forms in WordPress?

Yeah, there are a few things to keep in mind. Google Forms might not be as customizable as some native WordPress form plugins. Also, because you’re embedding it, the form might not perfectly match your site’s style without some extra CSS work. And you’re kinda dependent on Google; if their services go down, so does your form.

Can I Collect Payments Through a Google Form Embedded in WordPress?

Okay, collecting payments, that’s a bit tricky with Google Forms. They don’t have built-in payment processing. However, you could potentially integrate with a third-party service, provide a link to a payment page, or collect necessary info and handle the payment part separately. It’s not the most seamless solution, but it’s something.

How Do I Make Sure My Google Form Looks Good on Mobile When Embedded in WordPress?

Mobile’s huge, right? To make sure your embedded Google Form looks good on mobile, you’ll need to add some custom CSS. Make the iframe and its container div responsive. It might take a bit of tweaking, but there are plenty of tutorials out there to guide you through it. The goal is to make sure it adapts and looks sleek on any device!

Conclusion on Embedding a Google Form in WordPress

The current Google Forms WordPress plugin doesn’t support the latest Google Forms. However, the developer is preparing an update to address this issue.

When the update arrives, the functions and options of the plugin will be more advanced and efficient. But for now, it is best to stick to the easier and more convenient option.

Through Google Forms, users learn about customers’ needs and preferences through their responses. They can then make data-backed decisions to satisfy customers.

Knowing how to embed a Google Form in WordPress will bring many advantages. The process is also very straightforward.

But remember to stick to the goal when deciding on the form solutions. Although Google Form has its limitations, users can handle basic form creation and analytics.

If you enjoyed reading this article on how to embed a google form in WordPress, you should check out this one about how to hide the author in WordPress.

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Milan Jovanovic
Milan Jovanovic

Product Lead

Articles: 216