Sanja Pajic

Sanja Pajic

Full Stack Web Developer

How to Justify Text in WordPress in A Few Steps

Struggling to make your text look polished and professional in WordPress? You’re not alone. Proper text alignment, especially justifying text, can elevate the readability and aesthetic appeal of your content. Understanding how to justify text in WordPress is essential for…

How to Change the WordPress Database Name with No Downtime

Changing the WordPress database name without any downtime might seem like a daunting task, but it’s not only possible—it’s essential for maintaining your site’s uptime and security. Imagine seamlessly transitioning your database name while ensuring your visitors experience zero interruptions.…

How to Backup and Export the WordPress Database

Backing up and exporting your WordPress database isn’t just a good practice—it’s essential. Imagine spending countless hours perfecting your WordPress site only to lose all your data in an instant. It’s a nightmare scenario that can be easily avoided with…