WordPress Website Examples to Inspire Yourself From

Looking for jaw-dropping WordPress website examples to spark your next project? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re diving into web design, seeking the perfect WordPress themes, or exploring custom WordPress designs, this article will showcase the best of the best.

From stunning portfolios to dynamic eCommerce sites, WordPress proves its versatility time and again. Need to boost your site’s SEO optimization? We’ve got examples featuring top plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack.

Curious about responsive WordPress sites? Check out how these sites seamlessly blend user experience (UX) and mobile-friendly designs.

By the end of this article, you’ll see how WordPress.org, Elementor, and ThemeForest come together to create magic. Get ready to transform your ideas into reality with these WordPress website examples.

Here are a few notorious WordPress website examples

The Walt Disney Company

Disney is a titan without any peers these days. It’s very hard to believe that anyone hasn’t heard of Disney. They’ve been an important part of the culture throughout the world for the past century.

Disney has been using WordPress to create a website that’s incredibly professional. This site with its iconic logo design is not cartoonish, but smart and well-made. As one of the leading entertainment and information producers and providers in the world, Disney needs to have a modern and user-friendly website for its business interests.

The end result of their effort is a simple and professional website. It allows them to show off their wide-ranging portfolio as well as helps them differentiate their services, content, and consumer products.

Chicago Sun Times

The Chicago Sun Times has won the Pulitzer Prize eight times. It is the oldest continuously published daily newspaper in the city of Chicago. It needs a great website framework to manage its daily investigative feature article, deep political reports, intense sports reporting and analysis, entertainment reviews, cultural commentary, and all the other diverse items it features. For that, they turned to WordPress.

The template of the site is pretty basic, but it still offers everything else you want from a good newspaper website. You can navigate it easily. It has a clear and concise look that isn’t assaulting you with effect and animation. It allows users to get news update with minimum hassle, all thanks to WordPress.

Trademark Productions

Based in Royal Oak, MI, Trademark Productions is a web design & development and digital marketing agency that has been rockin’​ the web since well before the cool kids were doing it. Specializing in Web Design & Development, SEO, Social Media, and Internet Marketing, their in-house team artfully blends academic wisdom with self-taught learning.

Nowadays, everyone is a web developer, SEO expert, social media guru, and PR assassin. Yet, these guys stick to one of their founding principles: being great at web design and marketing.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry has been a big deal in pop culture for several years now. Her WordPress site allows her to makes sure her latest and greatest is out there for her fans. It also shows that she’s staying on the cutting edge of the ever-changing pop music scene.

Her music portfolio website focuses a lot on visuals and social media. It offers high spec portfolio shots of the artists, a list of tour dates, and a merchandise shop. It’s not like the old band websites that overwhelmed you with animation and music that couldn’t be paused. Katy Perry’s site is professional yet full of personality. The simple hand-lettered logo design uses a monochrome color theme and stands out on its own. It is easy to get around and allows users to select what they want to see or hear when they want to see or hear it.

Da Ink

Tattoo artists are often small businesses that rely a lot on web marketing. However, a lot of them don’t have professional websites but instead, rely on Facebook or simple templates. This makes it easy for them to get lost in the crowd.

However, Australian tattoo artist Drew Apicture has created one of the best WordPress blog examples out there. It doesn’t; only create a showcase for his work, but also mimics it throughout its site design.

The site features an edgy and dramatic black background that mixes in some orange and red tones. It has a smart but minimalistic logo design. Apicture is based at one of the Gold Coast’s oldest tattoo shops. He has a passion for black and grey artwork with high contrast. He has often been told his work is too dark, but thanks to his easy-to-use, smartly made website you can tell it has its own beauty.

The Ink Tank

Kao Collins started out as Collins Inkjet in 1989, working as a one-man operation to supply ink for the Kodak continuous inkjet printer. Most people have never thought of printer ink until it runs out in your printer, but the Kao Collin site The Ink Tank is meant to inspire you. Thanks to its great design, it might well succeed.

This is one of those great WordPress blog examples, especially because it seems so niche. It’s really good at catching your eye and alerting you to the newest trends and events in the ink industry. It also shows off the creative ways both artists and businesses are using ink.

One of the best features of The Ink Tank is its History of Printing. This is a stunning parallax single page design that uses animation and effects to tell you all about printing, from clay tablets to the most recent high-speed single pass printing techniques.

Greenwich Library

We often think that public services have terrible websites. However, the Greenwich Library’s WordPress website shows that this doesn’t have to be the case.

Usability was the primary goal of this website design. Form followed function. The website redesign took two years of research, user testing, and design work. The library director, Barbara Ormerod-Glynn, explained that the update was vital because it would allow the library to provide services at all time of day, every day.  They addressed a lot of user concerns with their WordPress website to make sure people could find what they were looking for even in an ocean of content and information.

Angry Birds

Angry Birds is a very popular mobile game, with a lot of spinoffs and even an animated movie. They also use WordPress to create one of the most professional websites that still captures the game’s sense of weird chaos and fun. It incorporates the game’s visuals as the backdrop of every page on the site. It keeps the same feeling as the game while making sure users can find what they’re looking for.


This site was created to provide info about pop culture and design for creatives. It has a homepage with a magazine template and a sticky navigation menu at that top. With the right selection, you can do this with free WordPress websites, too.

And here’s a selection of great looking WordPress website examples





Thomas May

Red Card

Robert Underwood

The Shift


Life Worth Pursuing

Greta Madline




Twin Dolphin


FAQ on WordPress websites

What makes a good WordPress website?

A good WordPress website should be visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and user-centric. It should leverage the best WordPress themes and plugins like Elementor or WooCommerce for functionality. High-quality content creation and SEO optimization with tools like Yoast SEO ensure the site ranks well and engages visitors effectively.

How can I find inspiration for my WordPress site?

Browse through WordPress galleries and showcases. Websites like ThemeForest and WPBeginner often feature impressive WordPress website examples. Also, check out portfolio sites of web designers and developers. They display a variety of custom WordPress designs and responsive WordPress sites that can spark creativity.

What themes are best for creating unique WordPress websites?

Divi, Astra, and Avada are top WordPress themes known for their versatility and customization options. ThemeForest offers thousands of themes that cater to different niches, from eCommerce to personal blogs. Each theme provides unique features, making it easy to create a standout site.

How important is SEO for WordPress websites?

SEO optimization is crucial for the visibility of your WordPress site. Utilizing Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack can significantly enhance your site’s ranking. Implementing structured data and focusing on user experience (UX) will ensure that search engines understand and index your content effectively.

Can WordPress handle large, complex websites?

Absolutely. With the right web hosting from providers like Bluehost or SiteGround, and robust plugins such as WooCommerce for eCommerce or Jetpack for performance, WordPress can handle large-scale sites. WP Engine is another great option for managing complex WordPress environments efficiently.

How do I ensure my WordPress website is secure?

Use reputable security plugins like Akismet and Wordfence to protect your site. Regularly update your themes, plugins, and WordPress core. Opt for web hosting services like SiteGround that offer built-in security features. Employ SSL certificates to encrypt data and secure user transactions.

What plugins should I use for a WordPress website?

Essential plugins include Yoast SEO for search engine optimization, WooCommerce for eCommerce functionality, and Elementor for page building. Jetpack enhances security and performance, while WPForms simplifies form creation. These plugins enhance functionality and ensure a seamless user experience.

How do I make my WordPress website mobile-friendly?

Choose responsive WordPress themes that automatically adjust to different screen sizes. Elementor and Divi provide tools to design mobile-friendly pages. Test your site on various devices and use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure a seamless experience across all platforms.

What are some examples of successful WordPress websites?

Check out TechCrunch, The New Yorker, and BBC America. These sites utilize custom WordPress designs to deliver content-rich experiences. Smaller businesses, like The Minimalists and Angry Birds, also showcase how versatile and powerful WordPress can be, from blogging to interactive media.

How can I improve the speed of my WordPress website?

Optimize images and use caching plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket. Choose a reliable web hosting provider such as WP Engine or Bluehost. Minimize the use of heavy plugins and ensure your theme is lightweight. Regular performance checks and optimizations are key to maintaining speed.


Exploring these WordPress website examples reveals the boundless creativity and functionality that WordPress offers. From stunning portfolios to dynamic eCommerce sites, each example showcases the versatility of WordPress themes and plugins like Elementor and WooCommerce.

SEO optimization with tools like Yoast SEO enhances visibility, while responsive designs ensure a seamless user experience across devices. Whether you’re inspired by the intricate designs on ThemeForest or the comprehensive custom WordPress designs featured by top developers, the possibilities are endless.

Consider leveraging essential plugins such as Jetpack for security and performance, and WPForms for intuitive form creation. Remember, a well-crafted WordPress site combines visual appeal, user-centric design, and robust technical SEO.

Every website development service can provide you with an exceptional custom theme for WordPress, so do not get stingy regarding WordPress, as it is a great CMS platform. Use them as inspiration and a demonstration of just what can be done with WordPress in regard to your next website redesign.

The lovely part about WordPress is that you can build almost any website with it. It’s very likely that a large portion of the service business websites that you’re seeing on a daily basis are WP-based.

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Bogdan Radusinovic
Bogdan Radusinovic

Senior SEO and Marketing Specialist

Articles: 137