How to Tell If A Site Is WordPress Or Not

One of the common questions asked by newbies or student is, “How to tell if a site is WordPress or not?”

WordPress is a software that enables users to build a website. However, there are many host website builders with similar layouts and designs.

That’s why it’s necessary to know a few tips and tricks to find out the answer.

In the beginning, the WordPress style was unique. By looking at the website, visitors would know what host the owner used.

Some standard WordPress designs include the style of headers and footers, the two-column layouts, and sidebars made by the same widgets.

These are indications of a WordPress host. However, in recent years, there have been various improvements and changes.

Unless visitors are familiar with the theme, it is challenging to know which host is being used for a blog or site.

In this article, readers will learn six ways to tell if a site is WordPress or not.

Disclaimer: Some of the suggestions below don’t work on other WordPress sites. But when used all together, it’s possible to find the right one.

Footer has “Powered by WordPress”

Some might say that this is a pretty simple clue. However, some WordPress users omit or delete this claim in their site’s footer section.

Others prefer to leave it as it provides their page with credibility. If that is the case, scrolling down to the footer section will show which host site the page owner uses.

Keep in mind that some site owners think the “Powered by WordPress” appears by default. So, if it’s not clear move on to other signs or methods.

View the Website’s Source Code

Checking the page’s source code gives a clear indication of what host the site uses.

Here is a guide on how to tell if a site is WordPress or not through source code:

Browser: Chrome

  • Click on the ‘View’ option.
  • Go to Developer > View Source

Browser: Safari

  • Go to the Safari menu
  • Click Preferences > Advanced > Develop

Browser: Firefox

  • Go to Firefox Menu
  • Click Tools > Developer > View Source

Click on ‘View Source’, and the HTML code will appear.

If the links “/wp-content/” and “/wp-includes/” appear, then WordPress is the host site.

Another thing to look for is the ‘generator’ tag in the ‘head’ section of the codes. It will display as “<meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 5.0″ />”.

Keep on scrolling if it isn’t visible since someone could have deleted it.

Search for the Website’s WordPress ‘readme.html’ File

Since the readme.html file contains essential information regarding the website, it would be best to check it. It will show the site’s details, including the WordPress version, WordPress usage, and more.

In this way, it’s possible to identify whether it is a WordPress site or not.

During the WordPress installation, the readme.html file stores basic information regarding the site. To see whether the website has it or not, go to your browser.

Search for If there is one, the readme.html file will show up.

Add ‘wp-admin’ at the end of the Homepage Website URL

Most WordPress websites have wp-admin at the end of the website’s homepage URL. This allows admins and contributors to modify the layout, adjust the website’s settings, and add posts.

The WordPress login screen should appear after adding ‘wp-admin’ to the site’s URL. This means the site uses WordPress.

However, there could be a difficulty if the admin uses advanced settings. For extra security, the website owner can add password protection to their login screens.

So, the answer could be uncertain if the WordPress login screen doesn’t appear.

If this method is unsuccessful, try to append “license.txt” and “/readme.html” instead. By doing this, two other default WordPress pages will display.

Look for the WordPress Source Code’s Generator Tag

Search for the source code’s generator tag to identify a WordPress website. Once the user installs a WordPress website, there is a fixed meta tag on the <head> section as follow:

<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 5.6.1" />

If this meta tag appears on a website, then the website is WordPress hosted.

Check with a Browser Extension

Another way to tell if a site is WordPress or not is to look at the browser extension. In the browser’s right corner, it shows the specific details of the visited website.

Apart from the type of host site the site uses, it also presents the page’s necessary information. By looking at the browser extension, it is easy to check various websites.

That’s why it is essential to have this type of add-on. Here are the different browser extensions available for use:

Chrome Extension

One example of a browser extension is Library Sniffer. This is an add-on for Google Chrome.

To identify the host site of a page, users can look at the browser extension while browsing. Compared to other browser extensions, this one is the quickest and easiest solution.

However, please take note that it is only compatible with Google Chrome.

Firefox Extension

Those using the Mozilla Firefox browser can install the BuiltWith Add-on. There is also a BuiltWith Tool available, but the add-on works when browsing a website.

Although both function almost the same, the BuiltWith Add-on has more advanced features.

Why WordPress Should Be the Go-To Host Site

Some people hide the word WordPress on their website. They could have different reasons for this. Yet using WordPress to build a website is a good thing.

It also helps newer developers and entrepreneurs to learn about the site. WordPress is one of the best pieces of open-source software for beginners or experts.

Hiding the WordPress version in use is okay. But displaying “Powered by WordPress” at the bottom of a page can improve the site’s credibility.

The only downside of WordPress is that it is common. A single security bug might infect millions of websites.

Hackers are using the ‘low-hanging fruit’ strategy to attack. They want to target as many sites as possible in one try.

These hackers look for new WP vulnerability or old or outdated WordPress websites.

Most cases occur when the developer or user of a website fails to follow security measures. The protection of the website still depends on the individual owner.

But there’s no need to worry about it too much. In recent years, WordPress has become one of the most trusted host sites.

Their developers have also increased the WordPress security layers. Users can utilize various applications and plugins to add security to their website.

Ending thoughts on how to tell if a site is WordPress or not

You might read through this article for different reasons.

Some may be studying to become an experienced developer. As such, they may want to review if they can add particular features to a WordPress website.

Others might be looking for a web developer with a well-designed WordPress website. Those already using WordPress might be looking for inspiration from other websites.

This can improve a page’s overall layout and design. It can also provide more ideas on what theme to use.

So, knowing how to tell if a site is WordPress or not is worth it.

If you enjoyed reading this article on how to tell if a site is WordPress, you should check out this one about how to add meta tags in WordPress without a plugin.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like how to uninstall WordPress from cPanel, how to hide a featured image in a WordPress post, how to embed excel in html, how to embed a pdf in WordPress, how to optimize CSS delivery in WordPress and how to create a website like Amazon.

Sanja Pajic
Sanja Pajic

Full Stack Web Developer

Articles: 40