Category Using wpDataTables

wpDataTables 6.3 – Folders/Categories for tables and charts, WCAG compatibility, Hidden dynamic columns and more

Welcome back! We sincerely apologize for our recent silence. But patience has been worth a while. We always aim to bring you something special, but this time, we’re bringing something truly remarkable. We’ve been hard at work, crafting an update…

Read MorewpDataTables 6.3 – Folders/Categories for tables and charts, WCAG compatibility, Hidden dynamic columns and more

wpDataTables 6.0 – Highcharts Stock, Google GeoCharts, Transform cell values and Select/Deselect all

As the year draws to a close, we’re eager to sprinkle a bit of early holiday magic your way. The gift? An eagerly awaited update – wpDataTables 6.0. So, grab your coffee, ease back into your workspace, and let’s dive…

Read MorewpDataTables 6.0 – Highcharts Stock, Google GeoCharts, Transform cell values and Select/Deselect all

Update 5.7 – Fixed Headers/Columns, Calculated functions for Formula columns, Type in DB and Mojito Dark

Hey there, we’re back, let’s pick up where we left off and continue to develop together! We’ve got some incredible news to share with you that’s bound to make your day. At wpDataTables, we’ve been listening closely to your feedback…

Read MoreUpdate 5.7 – Fixed Headers/Columns, Calculated functions for Formula columns, Type in DB and Mojito Dark