Why You Should Use Financial Data Visualization In Your Work

Ever played connect the dots? It starts with a bunch of spots on a page, nothing coherent.

But as you start linking them, a picture emerges.

That’s what financial data visualization does for a business.

It’s not just about taking raw numbers and making them look pretty.

The Benefits of Financial Data Visualization

Now, let’s talk about the good stuff: the benefits.

  • Get this – we humans are visual creatures. Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text. So when we turn dry, dense data into colorful, interactive charts or graphs, we understand things better, and faster. It’s like a mental shortcut, a time machine even.
  • It’s not just about speed though. It’s about depth as well. Financial data visualization lets us see multiple layers, multiple dimensions of our data at once. That’s like having superhuman vision.
  • By making data more accessible, more understandable, we can get more people involved, more minds on the problem. That’s powerful stuff.

Challenges in Financial Data Visualization

But hey, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. There are challenges.

The big one? Quality. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say. If your data is flawed, your visualizations will be too. And that can lead to bad decisions.

Then, there’s the problem of complexity. If we get caught up in creating fancy charts that we lose sight of what we’re trying to communicate.

Key Components of Financial Data Visualization

Making a masterpiece of financial data visualization is a bit like cooking a fancy dish. You need the right ingredients, the right tools, and a sprinkle of creativity.

Data Quality and Management

Imagine trying to bake a cake with rotten eggs. Doesn’t matter how good your recipe is, right? The same applies here. The first, and most crucial ingredient for financial data visualization, is good quality data.

  • You’ll need complete and accurate data. If your data is full of gaps or errors, your visualization is going to be misleading at best, damaging at worst.
  • Then, there’s the aspect of relevance. Are you using the right data to answer your questions? Think about it like this – you wouldn’t use a temperature map to track migration patterns, would you?
  • Lastly, we have timeliness. Outdated data is just about as useful as yesterday’s news. For financial data visualization to be truly powerful, it has to reflect the current reality.

Visualization Techniques and Tools

You need the right tool for the job.

There are a lot of financial data visualization tools out there that we previously covered.

Then, there’s the technique itself. Bar chart? Line graph? Heat map? Each of these tells a different story, highlights different aspects of your data. Your job is to pick the one that tells your story best.

Interactivity and Real-time Updates

With interactivity, your audience can drill down, explore, engage with your data. It’s not just a presentation anymore; it’s a conversation.

And with real-time updates, your financial data visualization can reflect the pulse of your business, the heartbeat of the market.


Your beautiful data deserves to be online

wpDataTables can make it that way. There’s a good reason why it’s the #1 WordPress plugin for creating responsive tables and charts.

An actual example of wpDataTables in the wild

And it’s really easy to do something like this:

  1. You provide the table data
  2. Configure and customize it
  3. Publish it in a post or page

And it’s not just pretty, but also practical. You can make large tables with up to millions of rows, or you can use advanced filters and search, or you can go wild and make it editable.

“Yeah, but I just like Excel too much and there’s nothing like that on websites”. Yeah, there is. You can use conditional formatting like in Excel or Google Sheets.

Did I tell you you can create charts too with your data? And that’s only a small part. There are lots of other features for you.

Applications of Financial Data Visualization

Financial Performance Monitoring

Image source

Financial data visualization allows us to monitor the financial health of our business in real-time. It helps us track KPIs like sales revenue, net profit, and cash flow.

And the best part? You can do it too if you have a good financial data tool on your hand.

Financial Forecasting and Budgeting

Here’s the thing about the future – it’s uncertain. But with financial data visualization, we can at least get a glimpse of what’s to come.

By visualizing historical data, we can spot trends, make predictions, and plan accordingly. It’s like having a crystal ball, but grounded in data.

It helps us allocate resources more effectively, identify potential risks, and seize opportunities. It takes the guesswork out of financial planning and brings in informed decision-making.

Risk Management and Compliance

Nobody likes to talk about risk, right?

It’s scary, it’s uncertain, it’s… risky. But guess what? Financial data visualization can make it a whole lot easier.

By visualizing our risk data, we can spot patterns, identify potential hazards, and take preventive measures.

Financial Reporting and Communication

You’ve probably read a financial report by now.

Rows and rows of numbers, jargon that could put a lawyer to sleep, and lots of footnotes.

But what if we could turn that boring report into a dynamic, interactive, visual story? That’s what financial data visualization like wpDataTables can do.

Best Practices in Financial Data Visualization

Alright, so we’ve learned how to create financial data visualizations and seen some ways they can be applied.

When it comes to picking the right visualization, context is king.

Are you comparing values? Maybe a bar chart is the way to go. Want to show a trend over time? Perhaps a line graph is your friend.

Remember, the goal is to communicate information effectively, not to create a piece of abstract art. So, choose a visualization that serves your purpose and communicates your message clearly.

Making Visualizations User-friendly and Accessible

Make it as user-friendly as possible.

Use clear, concise labels. Choose colors wisely.

Don’t overload it with information. And consider your audience’s perspective. What’s obvious to you might not be obvious to them.

And let’s not forget about accessibility. Consider those with visual impairments. Use high-contrast colors, provide text alternatives, make your visualization scalable. Inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity.

FAQ on Financial Data Visualization

Why is financial data visualization important in finance?

It helps to simplify complex financial data. The human brain processes visual information faster than plain text. So, presenting financial data visually makes it easier to understand, analyze, and communicate the information.

It enables decision-makers to see connections between operating conditions and business performance, spot trends, and make informed decisions.

What tools are commonly used for financial data visualization?

There are numerous tools available for financial data visualization, each with their own strengths. Excel is a classic tool, widely used for its flexibility and accessibility. Tableau is another popular choice for its powerful visualization capabilities.

Power BI is a Microsoft tool, lauded for its integration with other Microsoft products. Lastly, D3.js is a JavaScript library for creating complex and interactive visualizations for web designers with coding abilities.

For visualizing data online, we recommend wpDataTables.

What skills are required to create effective financial data visualizations?

To create effective financial data visualizations, you need a mix of financial knowledge, data analysis skills, and design abilities. A good understanding of finance helps you know what data to visualize.

Data analysis skills enable you to clean, manipulate, and interpret the data. Design skills help to present the data in a visually appealing and intuitive way. Understanding of specific tools like Excel, Tableau, or D3.js is also crucial.

How do I ensure that my financial visualizations are easy to understand?

Simplicity is key. Make sure your visualizations are not overloaded with information. Use clear labels, proper scales, and consistent colors.

Choose the right type of graph or chart for your data. For example, line graphs for trends, bar charts for comparisons, or pie charts for showing parts of a whole.

Always keep the target audience in mind when designing the visualization.

How can I visualize data in real-time?

Real-time financial data visualization is about presenting financial data as it’s updated.

Tools like Tableau and Power BI allow for real-time data visualization by connecting to the data source and refreshing the visuals automatically. D3.js can also be used for creating real-time visualizations with some coding.

How do I visualize large amounts of financial data?

Large amounts of data can be overwhelming. You can use aggregation or segmentation to simplify the data. Aggregation is about combining data into summary measures, like averages or totals.

Segmentation is about breaking the data into categories. Interactive visualizations, where users can zoom, filter, or hover for more details, are also useful for large data sets.

Can I use financial data visualization for forecasting?

Absolutely! Visualizations can help identify trends and patterns that aid in forecasting. Time series graphs are particularly useful for showing trends over time.

Scatter plots can reveal relationships between variables. These insights can then be used to forecast future values.

However, keep in mind that visualizations are just one part of forecasting. Statistical models are often needed for more accurate forecasts.

What are common mistakes in financial data visualization?

Common mistakes include overloading the visualization with data, using inappropriate scales, poor labeling, and inconsistent use of colors.

These can confuse or mislead the viewer. Another mistake is using the wrong type of visualization for the data, like a pie chart for time-series data. Always remember that the goal is to make the data easier to understand, not harder.

How can I improve my financial data visualization skills?

Improvement comes with practice and feedback. Start by learning and mastering a tool like Excel or Tableau. Explore different types of visualizations and when to use them.

Try to visualize different kinds of financial data. Ask for feedback from colleagues or mentors.

There are also many online resources, like tutorials, courses, and forums, where you can learn and improve. Lastly, always stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in data visualization.

Final Thoughts on the Importance of Financial Data Visualization

Financial data visualization is more than just a tool; it’s a way to tell a story, to make sense of the complex world of business.

It’s like a compass that helps us navigate the turbulent seas of financial data. A bridge that connects decision-makers with data. A light that shines through the fog of numbers and charts.

So go ahead, grab your data, roll up your sleeves, and start visualizing. The world of financial data visualization is waiting for you.

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Milan Jovanovic
Milan Jovanovic

Product Lead

Articles: 278