WordPress Salts and Keys: Everything You Need to Know

Unlocking the full potential of your WordPress site demands more than just stunning design and great content; it requires robust security. Ever wondered how to fortify your site against potential threats? WordPress salts and keys are the unsung heroes in the realm of website security, safeguarding your wp-config.php file from intruders.

These cryptographic elements are vital for securing authentication and ensuring the integrity of user sessions.

In this article, we’ll delve into the essential role of WordPress salts and keys, how to configure them, and why they’re critical for protecting your WordPress site from cybersecurity threats.

You’ll learn how to regenerate keys using the security keys generator, implement SSL certificates, and enhance overall site protection.

By the end, you’ll be equipped to shield your WordPress dashboard from brute force attacks and ensure the data encryption mechanisms are rock solid. Let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of WordPress security!

What are WordPress salts and keys?

WordPress salts and keys are cryptographic security elements used in the wp-config.php file. They help encrypt and protect sensitive information like user sessions and authentication keys. By securing these elements, you enhance the overall security of your WordPress site, making it less vulnerable to attacks.

Understanding WordPress Salt Keys

WordPress salts are cryptographic elements that are meant to secure data by a process called hashing. Most platforms that rely on credentials alone for the security of their users and the content they host through the platform use salt keys to protect sensitive data from hackers.

The hashing process encrypts the passwords whenever they are typed into the login form and saved to the database. In addition, your browser third party cookies are also hashed with salt keys to prevent attackers from impersonating you after stealing your cookies.

When using WordPress salt keys, you can rest assured that your login area is much more difficult to break into. The same goes for the information stored in the cookies of a browser, which can be rather dangerous if you don’t provide salts to hash them with.

Fortunately, WordPress comes with built-in support for adding your own salts. These can be found in the wp-config.php file, located in the public_html folder. They normally look something like this:

Types of WordPress Salts

If you have the current version of WordPress, security keys come in four types and they are used each time you log in to your site. For each security key, you need to have a corresponding WordPress salt key. By default, they are generated by WordPress automatically, so you don’t need to add them by hand. The types of WordPress salts are:

LOGGED_IN_KEY – This is used to generate cookies for a user that logs in. These cookies cannot be used to make changes on the site.

SECURE_AUTH_KEY – This is used for the SSL admin to generate an authorizing cookie. These cookies can be used to make changes to the site.

AUTH_KEY – This is used for the non-SSL admin to generate an authorizing cookie. These cookies can be used to make changes on the site.

NONCE_KEY – This is used to sign the nonce key which protects the nonces being generated. This is the type of WordPress salt that keeps your website secure from multiple forms of cyber attacks.

How do WordPress Salts work?

There are website platforms that rely on PHP sessions in order to track the users and their login sessions. Not WordPress. On WordPress, the verification of all users, varying from admins to commenters, is done by analyzing cookies or the information that gets stored in a browser’s history. Whenever a person logs into the WordPress Dashboard, some cookies are created instantly and then saved, with the acceptance of the user. The cookies that are created look like this:



The function of WordPress salts is very easy to understand. Let’s say that your password is “demo-password”. This is a very simple password that can be guessed or hacked rather rapidly. Keys represent randomized variables that are added to your existing password to make it encrypted. Each time you log in, the password is stored in your browser’s cookie files so that you don’t need to type in your credentials every time you visit the website. This is where salt keys step in. The stored password becomes very difficult to crack once you get it encrypted, and that can only happen with the help of WordPress salts.

How Can You Change WordPress Salts?

In some cases, you might be required to generate WordPress salts yourself. In other cases, the security keys are pre-defined. See what your case is, and – if the salt keys are missing – follow these very simple steps to configure them:


To do it manually, you will need to generate a secret key. You can do that right within WordPress, using the random key generator that the platform offers. Instead of creating a secret key yourself, use this method, as the characters are more difficult to crack. It will only take you a couple of seconds to do it, so it’s definitely not a waste of time.

Then, access https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ and check out the list that pops up. It is a list of replacement keys and salt keys. It should look like this:

The next step is copying these WordPress salts and opening your FTP client. Navigate to the root folder of your site and right-click the wp-config.php file to edit it. Search for the “Authentication Unique Keys and Salts” line and replace everything that you find under this section with the WordPress salts you’ve just copied. Don’t forget to save the changes and upload the file back to the server. Doing this every three to six months is the best way to keep your site secured. Always use the WordPress.org secret-key service to have your keys generated.

Using a plugin

If you find the steps above too complicated, you can resort to the easier method which is using a plugin. Salt Shaker is a free plugin that automates all the steps that you read about above. You just have to download and activate it. Using a plugin gives you an extra feature that you can’t set when you are making the changes manually. With Salt Shaker, you can schedule when you want your WordPress salts to be changed, thus getting rid of some responsibilities. Keep in mind that you and any other person who uses your website will have to log in again using the WordPress login page after each change of the WordPress salts.

The Benefits of WordPress Security Keys

When a site is hacked, most of the data on it – if not all – will be compromised. Instead of panicking, you need to figure out what step you should follow next. Changing the WordPress salts and the unique keys you’ve been using will invalidate all logged in users, including hackers. This should buy you some time to save your website from complete corruption. Besides using WordPress salt keys, don’t forget to get an SSL certificate, to enforce the use of secure FTP clients, hide any files that are vital and reduce access to them, and so on. WordPress security keys are just one layer of protection. Don’t forget that you need to cover them all.

FAQs about WordPress salts and keys

Why do I need to update WordPress salts and keys?

Updating WordPress salts and keys is crucial for maintaining strong security. Over time, old keys can become compromised. Regular updates ensure that even if an attacker gains access, they can’t use the old keys to exploit your site. This is a key part of WordPress security best practices.

How often should I regenerate WordPress salts and keys?

I recommend regenerating your WordPress salts and keys every few months or after any suspected security breach. This practice helps keep your website security tight, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access to your WordPress admin and user authentication sessions.

Where are WordPress salts and keys stored?

They are stored in the wp-config.php file, located in the root directory of your WordPress installation. This file is crucial for the configuration and operation of your site. Properly securing it is essential to protect against potential cybersecurity threats.

How can I regenerate WordPress salts and keys?

Use the WordPress security keys generator available on the official WordPress API site. Copy the generated keys and replace the existing ones in your wp-config.php file. This process is straightforward but immensely effective in enhancing your site’s data encryption and security protocols.

Can I automate the regeneration of WordPress salts and keys?

While there’s no built-in feature for automated regeneration, you can use plugins like Salt Shaker to schedule automatic updates. This ensures your WordPress site remains secure without manual intervention, maintaining up-to-date security measures effortlessly.

What happens if I don’t update WordPress salts and keys?

Failing to update WordPress salts and keys can leave your site vulnerable to attacks. Outdated keys may be exploited by attackers, compromising your site integrity and user data. Regular updates are essential to maintaining a secure environment for your WordPress site.

Are WordPress salts and keys the same as passwords?

No, they are not the same. WordPress salts and keys are used for encryption and authentication, while passwords are used for user access. However, they work together to ensure a secure login and session management process, contributing to your overall WordPress security.

How do WordPress salts and keys enhance security?

They add an extra layer of encryption to sensitive data like passwords and user sessions. By doing so, they make it significantly harder for attackers to decode and exploit your site. This enhances the overall security of your WordPress installation, protecting it from brute force attacks and other threats.

Can I use the same WordPress salts and keys across multiple sites?

It’s not advisable. Each WordPress site should have unique salts and keys to ensure maximum security. Sharing keys across multiple sites can create vulnerabilities, making it easier for attackers to exploit multiple sites if one gets compromised. Always generate unique keys for each site to maintain robust website security.


Securing your WordPress site is non-negotiable. WordPress salts and keys play a pivotal role in fortifying your wp-config.php file, adding layers of protection against cybersecurity threats. By regularly updating these cryptographic elements, you ensure the robustness of your user authentication and session security.

The process of regenerating these keys may seem technical, but it’s a straightforward step towards safeguarding your site’s integrity. Tools like the WordPress security keys generator make this task simple and effective. Remember, maintaining unique salts and keys for each site is essential for optimal security.

In essence, the regular update and proper management of your WordPress salts and keys are foundational practices in your website security strategy. Implement these measures diligently, and you will significantly reduce vulnerabilities, ensuring a secure and reliable WordPress installation. Your site’s security is in your hands; take proactive steps to protect it.

If you enjoyed reading this article on WordPress salts and keys, you should check out this one about WordPress SSL plugins.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like malware scanner plugins and WordPress security.

Bogdan Radusinovic
Bogdan Radusinovic

Senior SEO and Marketing Specialist

Articles: 137