Stacked Bar Charts: The Ultimate Guide

You’ve got an ocean of data. Endless numbers swimming around, and you need to corral them—make ’em tell the story of your latest project or business quarter. That’s where stacked bar charts stride in, turning raw info into eye-popping insights.

We’re diving head-first into the craft of translating numbers into narratives. By the close, you’ll be fluent in stacking data like a pro—a visual storyteller shaping bars that speak volumes.

Expect the lowdown on:

  • Harnessing the potent mix of color and dimension to showcase your data’s depths.
  • Outsmarting the cluttered mess of traditional graphs with a clearer method—layer upon layer.
  • And the grand finale? Mastery of tools that morph your stacked masterpiece from numbers on a screen to persuasive power in a meeting.

Table of Contents

  • What Is A Stacked Bar Chart?
  • Stacked Bar Chart Example
  • When To Use A Stacked Bar Chart
  • How To Read A Stacked Bar Chart
  • Types Of Stacked Bar Charts
  • How To Make A Stacked Bar Chart In WordPress
  • How To Make A Stacked Bar Chart In Excel
  • How To Make A Stacked Bar Chart In Google Sheets

What Is A Stacked Bar Chart?

A stacked bar chart is a graphical representation where multiple data series are stacked on top of one another in either vertical or horizontal bars. It’s used to visualize the total of grouped data points while also showing the comparative sizes of each data point’s component parts.

Stacked Bar Chart Example

Chart created with wpDataTables

When To Use A Stacked Bar Chart

You’ve got categories—chunks of data—and beneath each, there’s a story. Individual parts that, together, spin a yarn of totals. That’s your cue: stacked bar chart time.


  • When the goal’s to show a part-to-whole relationship across different segments.
  • For visualizing trends in data series without losing sight of the granular deets.
  • Whenever it’s vital to highlight individual contributions within larger categories, it shines.

It’s a tad like a troupe on stage, each actor playing their part in one grand scene. Use it when those individual roles deserve a spot in the limelight, yet you still need that collective bow at the end.

How To Read A Stacked Bar Chart

Chart created with wpDataTables

Dive into that stacked bar chart like it’s the last piece of cake—eager, ready, and strategic.

Start at the base. Each layer, a data slice, comfortably nestled above the next. Colors aren’t just for show; they’re the key to unlocking what’s what. Match ’em with the legend—yep, that’s the map to this treasure.

Scan along the axis—the one that’s tagged with numbers. It’s dishing out the totals, height or length-wise.

Now, here’s the kicker: don’t breeze through looking at just the top or bottom. Every segment has a voice, a stake in this tasty data pie—or bar, rather.

They stack up, these colorful bits, telling a story of trendscomparisons, and sheer numeric ballet. And if percentages are splashed across, you’re eyeballing a “100% stacked” special—each part’s role in the grand total, no calculator needed.

Types Of Stacked Bar Charts

Navigating the world of stacked bar charts, you’ll stumble upon a funky ensemble.

First, there’s the classic stacked bar. It’s your bread and butter, neatly piling those data segments skywards or lengthwise.

Then, hello 100% stacked bar chart.

Image source: Tibco

Drama? None. It’s about proportion, every bar maxed to full capacity, breaking down the share of each category.

Got an eye for details? Segmented bar diagram, a cousin, shows up, ready to depict nuances without muddling the waters.

Now, the twist — a layered bar graph. It’s a bit of a maverick, letting segments overlap, playing with transparency for a touch of flair.

And for the code-savvy out there, popping some interactivity adds a bit of oomph. Hover effects? Clickable legends? Why not. It’s about giving those data layers life beyond the static.

How To Make A Stacked Bar Chart In WordPress

To make a stacked bar chart in WordPress using wpDataTables, follow these steps:

  1. Open the wpDataTables plugin in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Navigate to “Create a Chart” and choose your chart type (e.g., stacked bar chart) and rendering engine.
  3. Select a data source, usually a wpDataTable that you’ve already created.
  4. Define the data range by selecting the relevant columns and rows from your table.
  5. Customize your chart’s appearance, including dimensions, formatting, and style.
  6. Once satisfied with the settings and preview, save the chart. This will generate a shortcode.
  7. Use the shortcode to insert the chart into a WordPress post or page.

How To Make A Stacked Bar Chart In Excel

To create a stacked bar chart in Excel, follow these steps:

Step One: Line up your data side by side in a neat table, each column flexing its own unique category muscles.

Step Two: With the click and sweep of your trusty mouse, highlight the cells brimming with your choicest data. Facing a mighty sea of numbers? “Ctrl” (or “Cmd” for the Apple crowd) is your lifesaver to select vast expanses of data.

Step Three: Launch into the “Insert” escape pod and lock in on “Stacked Bar Chart” smack dab in the middle of the chart galaxy. Got a taste for something fancier? A 3D effect or a full-on percentage stack might just be the ticket.

Step Four: Brand that beauty with a title and break down those colors with a legend, courtesy of the “Chart Design” toolkit. Get that title speaking loud and clear about your chart’s tale, with a legend as your trusty sidekick for decoding.

Step Five: Spruce it up – splash a fresh color coat, tweak those titles, axis labels, and legends. Mold the style to your vibe using the “Chart Design” and “Format” paintbrushes.

Step Six: Now, take a step back. What’s your chart whispering about trends, peaks, and valleys? Let it guide your crowd on a journey through the heart of your data.

Keep this etched in your mind: when the totals dance in a close line-up, stacked bars are your jam. But when the rhythm of individual beats needs to shine solo, perhaps a clustered column tune or the smooth jazz of a line chart could better play the song of your data.

How To Make A Stacked Bar Chart In Google Sheets

To create a stacked bar chart in Google Sheets, you can follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Your Data:
    • Label the Headers: Identify what each column represents in the first row of your dataset.
    • Add Your Data: Populate the data in the subsequent rows.
    • Verify Data Format: Ensure each column’s data type (text, number, currency) is correct and make adjustments if necessary.
  2. Select the Data for Your Stacked Bar Chart: Click and drag your mouse to select the entire dataset you want to visualize.
  3. Choose and Insert a Chart:
    • Insert a Chart: Go to “Insert” in the top menu bar and select “Chart.”
    • Choose the Chart Type: In the chart editor, under the “Setup” tab, select “Stacked column chart” from the “Chart type” dropdown menu.
    • Adjust the Position of Your Chart: Click and drag the chart to your desired location.
  4. Customize Your Chart:
    • Open the Chart Editor: Double-click on the chart if the editor isn’t open.
    • Navigate to the Customization Tab: Use the “Customize” tab for various customization options.
    • Customize Chart and Axis Titles: Add titles, change fonts, sizes, and colors.
    • Customize Legend: Adjust the legend’s position, font, color, and format.
    • Customize the Color of Each Series: Select each series and choose your desired colors.
  5. Finalize Your Stacked Bar Chart: Review your chart to ensure it accurately represents your data.

FAQ About Stacked Bar Charts

What’s the real deal with stacked bar charts?

This nifty tool is your go-to for dissecting datasets with multiple components per category.

They’re like a visual sandwich, layers of data all snug on one bar, showing you each part’s contribution to the whole. It’s a snapshot of part-to-whole relationships without the number-crunch headache.

How do you even begin creating a stacked bar chart?

First off, grab your data. Organize it by categories and subcategories.

Fire up your data visualization software—say, Excel or Google Sheets—and put those figures into columns that reflect your groups. Hit the chart button and choose ‘stacked bar’. Customize colors and you’re golden.

Can I tell which part of the stack is which?

Absolutely—that’s the whole point! Each segment’s got its own distinct hue. Plus, add a legend for clarity, and no one’s playing a guessing game.

It’s about making every slice of data stand out while showing off the big picture.

Are stacked bar charts better than pie charts?

Better’s subjective, but let’s say it’s about picking the right tool for the job. Stacked bars excel when tracking changes over time or comparing parts of a whole across different categories. Pies are cool for a static one-category show. It’s all about context!

What’s the limit to data stacks on a single bar?

Think of it like toppings on a pizza—you don’t want to overdo it. Too many layers and it’s a mess. Aim for clarity.

Fewer, meaningful layers are best. Remember, your chart’s a storytelling device, not a game of Jenga!

Can stacked bar charts handle negative values?

Tricky, but yeah. They can show negatives, but here’s the catch: it can get confusing, real quick.

If you’re delving into negative territory, consider a different visualization method—or make sure your labels and axes are clear as day.

How do I ensure my stacked bar chart isn’t a clutter-fest?

Design with a purpose. Limit the layers, choose contrasting colors, and label smartly. No one wants an eye-sore.

You’re arranging a visual dialogue with your audience—keep it neat, engaging, and, above all, informative.

Can I turn a stacked bar chart into a 100% stacked bar chart?

Sure thing. This version shows the percentage of each part rather than absolute values.

It’s one swift setting change in your visualization software, and voilà! Your data’s now a percent party, throwing the spotlight on distribution within categories.

How do stacked bar charts and grouped bar charts differ?

It’s all about whether you stack or stand side by side. Grouped bars are neighbors, each category chilling next to its pals, great for direct comparison.

Stacked bars are roommates, living on top of each other, revealing the layered structure of your data’s abode.

Are there tools out there to upscale my stacked bar chart game?

You bet. Take your pick from a platter of advanced tools like Tableau or D3.js for the web developers out there.

They offer more bells and whistles for interaction and style. It’s a playground for data enthusiasts seeking that extra pizzazz.


And there you have it. We’ve traversed the terrain of stacked bar charts together, digging into the why and the how with a splash of color and a dash of data.

You’re prepped to wield this tool with confidence. Visualizing data layers? Sorted. Making those numbers sing in harmony? You got it. The key takeaways? They’re etched in digital ink:

  • Keep it clean and neat; love the whitespace.
  • Color choices mark the difference between confusion and clarity.
  • Less is more, especially with those layers.
  • And remember, when in doubt, legend it out.

Feel empowered to mash that keyboard, plot out categories upon categories, and craft a narrative that channels raw data into coherent stories that resonate. It’s not just about presenting figures; it’s about breathing life into them with your design prowess. So go ahead, tell that tale—with a stacked bar chart as your trusty sidekick.

If you liked this article about stacked bar charts, you should check out this article about bar charts.

There are also similar articles discussing pie chartscandlestick chartsline charts, and bubble charts.

And let’s not forget about articles on waterfall chartsarea chartscolumn charts, and donut charts.

Bogdan Radusinovic
Bogdan Radusinovic

Senior SEO and Marketing Specialist

Articles: 137