The Best Fonts For Tables That You Should Be Using

You’re cooking up a table, not with forks and knives, but with data, facts, and figures. It’s no secret that the real spice in this digital recipe is the font you use. But then, which are the best fonts for tables?


You’ve got numbers, headings, tiny text, all jam-packed into that small space. So how do you make it all readable, yet tasty? That’s what we’re here to dish up.

We’re not just slinging around Arial and Times New Roman here. We’re talking gourmet fonts that will make your tables pop with clarity and style. The kind of fonts that speak to the eyes.

Every cell in your table has a voice. We’re going to amplify it. We’re going to make each digit and letter sing. Let’s fire up the design grill and make your tables the main course everyone wants to consume.

The Best Fonts For Tables


Well, Roboto is a no-brainer, really. It’s a font that breathes simplicity and clarity. For tables, it’s a dream, providing crisp lines and easy readability. The font has its roots in geometric forms, ensuring balance and harmony. A table set in Roboto is like a well-organized kitchen; everything’s in its right place.


Turning to Lato, we find a font that’s both sleek and warm. Lato’s beauty lies in its semi-rounded details, which give tables a friendly vibe. Despite this warmness, Lato retains a sense of professionalism. It’s like the office’s cool guy who knows how to get the job done.

Open Sans

Open Sans is like that pair of reliable jeans you always turn to. Optimized for print, web, and mobile interfaces, this font is as versatile as it gets. For tables, Open Sans is a match made in heaven. It guarantees easy readability and a clean look that doesn’t get old.

Source Sans Pro

Onward to Source Sans Pro. Here’s a font that was born for digital spaces. Its legibility and variety of weights make it a fantastic choice for tables. Think of Source Sans Pro as a Swiss Army knife, ready to adapt and make your data shine.

Noto Sans

Say hello to Noto Sans. Designed with a goal to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel, it’s a font that screams inclusivity. Tables dressed in Noto Sans are easy on the eye and rich in character. It’s like a melting pot of cultures, but for fonts.


Ah, Verdana. An oldie but a goldie. It’s known for its wide letters and high legibility even at small sizes. If you’re designing tables that require small text, Verdana’s your best bet. It’s the veteran player in the team, always delivering when it matters most.


Next up, Georgia. A serif font that’s perfect for those seeking a classical vibe. Its readability is excellent, and the small decorative strokes add a touch of elegance to your tables. Georgia’s like a grand library, sophisticated yet accessible.


Introducing Tahoma. Here’s a font that balances tight letter spacing with high legibility, creating a fresh and clean look. In table form, Tahoma provides a sharp aesthetic that’s pure pleasure for the eyes. Think of it as the minty fresh breath of the font world.

Myriad Pro

Myriad Pro enters the scene with its friendly and open look. Its professional tone, coupled with a dash of warmth, makes it perfect for table design. Myriad Pro’s like that bubbly friend who also has their life together.

Bell Gothic

Bell Gothic is quite the trendsetter. Originally designed for phone books, it’s excellent for any table that needs to display information concisely. Bell Gothic’s the fashion-forward icon of the font world, always staying one step ahead.


No font list would be complete without Helvetica. It’s simple, clean, and super versatile. It’s the little black dress of fonts, looking great in any situation, including your tables.


Meet Arial, Helvetica’s cousin. It’s a popular choice for a reason: it’s familiar, friendly, and makes for easy reading. With Arial, your tables are in safe hands. It’s the comfort food of the font family.

PT Sans

Say hi to PT Sans. It’s a font that feels modern yet rooted in tradition, with its humanist and grotesque styles. PT Sans brings an exciting twist to tables, like a spice that adds a new flavor.


Here comes Exo. This font takes the future into its own hands, with a techno vibe that feels fresh and innovative. Tables styled with Exo look like they’re from a futuristic sci-fi movie. Buckle up, it’s a font that takes you on a ride.

Exo 2

We continue with Exo 2. It’s like Exo’s younger sibling, maintaining the futuristic look but with a more simplified form. For tables, Exo 2 offers a refined and contemporary touch. It’s the kind of font that knows the latest trends.


And finally, Ubuntu. This font embodies the spirit of its namesake, an African philosophy of interconnectedness. Ubuntu’s rounded letters give tables a harmonious, human touch. It’s the community spirit in font form.


Your beautiful data deserves to be online

wpDataTables can make it that way. There’s a good reason why it’s the #1 WordPress plugin for creating responsive tables and charts.

An actual example of wpDataTables in the wild

And it’s really easy to do something like this:

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  2. Configure and customize it
  3. Publish it in a post or page

And it’s not just pretty, but also practical. You can make large tables with up to millions of rows, or you can use advanced filters and search, or you can go wild and make it editable.

“Yeah, but I just like Excel too much and there’s nothing like that on websites”. Yeah, there is. You can use conditional formatting like in Excel or Google Sheets.

Did I tell you you can create charts too with your data? And that’s only a small part. There are lots of other features for you.

FAQ on The Best Fonts For Tables

Why are some fonts better for tables than others?

Well, when it comes to tables, you need a font that prioritizes clarity and legibility. It’s like choosing the right glasses for reading, you know?

Some fonts, especially those with simple, clean designs, make your data easy to read and digest. That’s why they’re top choices for tables. It’s all about making sure your reader doesn’t squint or strain to understand your data.

What is the most readable font for tables?

Choosing the “most readable” font can be a bit subjective, right? Different eyes, different needs. But generally, sans serif fonts, like Roboto or Open Sans, win the readability race.

They have clean, uniform lines, making them super easy on the eyes. Think of them as the smooth highways of the font world—no bumps or twists to distract your reading journey.

Are serif fonts good for tables?

Hmm, good question. While sans serif fonts often steal the spotlight for tables, serif fonts like Georgia can also do a pretty neat job. Their little decorative strokes give your tables an elegant, classical vibe. So, if you’re designing something more traditional or scholarly, a serif font might just be your best buddy.

Should I stick to one font for all my tables?

Flexibility is key in design. Sticking to one font for all your tables? It’s a bit like eating the same meal every day.

Boring, right?

Varying your fonts can add spice and keep things interesting. But remember, consistency within each individual table is crucial. It’s a balance, like mixing and matching your clothes to look fabulous.

Can I use decorative fonts for tables?

Decorative fonts? They’re like the extravagant hats of the font world. Fun, sure, but not always the best for readability.

So, when it comes to tables, it’s usually best to stick to simpler, more straightforward fonts. But hey, no one’s stopping you from experimenting, as long as your data stays clear and easy to read.

Is it better to use standard fonts for tables?

Standard fonts like Arial and Helvetica are popular for a reason. They’re familiar and super reliable. Using them in your tables is like following a tried-and-true recipe.

You know the result will be good. However, don’t be afraid to explore other fonts. Sometimes, an unexpected choice can bring a refreshing twist to your design.

How do I choose the right font size for tables?

Choosing the right font size for tables is all about readability. You need a size that’s large enough to read comfortably, but not so big it overwhelms the page.

A lot like picking the right shoe size. Too small, it pinches. Too big, it’s clumsy. Typically, a size between 10 and 12 points works pretty well. It’s a safe zone, but feel free to adjust depending on your specific needs.

Can I use different fonts within a single table?

Different fonts in a single table? It’s a risky business, my friend. It can quickly become chaotic, like a room with clashing colors. To keep your table clean and coherent, it’s generally best to stick to one font. But hey, varying weights and styles of the same font family? That could add some subtle diversity without causing a riot.

Does the color of the font matter in tables?

Oh, color. It’s like the seasoning in your cooking. Too little, it’s bland. Too much, it’s overpowering. When choosing font colors for your tables, aim for high contrast against the background. It makes the text pop and easy to read. Just remember, keep it pleasing to the eyes, no neon green on bright pink, please!

How important is the font choice in the overall design of a table?

Font choice in a table design is like the soundtrack of a movie. It sets the tone and influences how your audience feels. A well-chosen font can enhance readability, set mood, and even reflect your brand identity. So, never underestimate the power of font choice. It’s a silent actor playing a critical role in your design masterpiece.

Ending Thoughts on The Best Fonts For Tables

Sans serif fonts like Roboto and Open Sans are often the go-to choices, thanks to their clean lines and easy readability.

But don’t write off serif fonts like Georgia. They can bring a touch of elegance and tradition to your tables.

And what about standard fonts like Arial and Helvetica? They’re like your trusty old pals. Reliable, familiar, and ready to deliver. But, feel free to step out of the box and try out lesser-known fonts. You might just find a hidden gem.

Size matters too. Make sure your text is easy on the eyes. And color? It’s the cherry on top that brings everything together.

If you liked this article about the best fonts for tables, you should check out this article on how to make a table responsive.

There are also similar articles discussing WooCommerce product tables, heatmap tables, how to merge cells in HTML, and WordPress pricing table plugins.

And let’s not forget about articles on how to design a table, JavaScript data table, table UI design, and examples of data tables.

Bogdan Radusinovic
Bogdan Radusinovic

Senior SEO and Marketing Specialist

Articles: 137