Imagine your data coming alive on the screen—clean, crisp, and so intuitive that it feels like a natural extension of your thoughts.
That’s the power of stellar table UI design. In this digital canvas where every pixel counts, crafting tables that are not only functional but also visually compelling is an art form.
We’re diving deep into table UI design examples that do more than just display information; they enhance user experiences with every scroll and click.
By the end of this read, you’ll be equipped with actionable insights into creating tables that are responsive, accessible, and downright beautiful.
From the subtly zebra-striped rows that guide the eye, to pagination that keeps data digestible—prepare to transform your approach to tables.
We’ll dissect the elements that make design patterns shine and the front-end development tricks that make data dance. Ready to turn numbers and text into visual stories that resonate? Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
Table Visuals
Data tables have a purpose and should be free from clutter or distractions. When formatting the table, it is essential to prioritize readability.
How to Choose the Ideal Colors in Table UI Design
Never use too many colors in table UI design. Having too many can distract from the table’s real purpose.
They help viewers to learn about the products, services, or packages available. Use colors only for a specific reason.
For example, color can focus attention on the header. Or use it to highlight the negative and positive details in comparison.
One thing to remember is to never use a dark color. Darker shades can cover the message or make the details unclear.
For a darker shade without these risks, use dark gray for the fonts and light gray for borders.
Zebra striping is a popular strategy in table UI design. When employing this strategy, designers only use light shades and colors.
Colors should not be too dark or too bright, so it’s best to stick to lighter shades.
How to Choose the Right Size for the Table UI Design
To present the table well, designers must choose the best font and table size for the amount of information.
When the information is extensive, it can be challenging to fit the texts into the table. In this case, the designer can use smaller fonts and row heights.
If there is a lot of information but few items or rows, then make sure to set up generous row heights.
The table UI design should be easy to read and intuitive. Decreasing the row height also increases the items and number above the fold.
To make it shorter, follow the standard sizing:
Row Heights
- Condensed: 40px
- Regular: 48px
- Relaxed: 56px
How to Choose the Ideal Row Style for Table UI Design
Customizing the row style enhances readability and scannability. This allows readers to view the data in a convenient way.
There are several row styles to choose from to set up a table.
Free Form
This promotes a minimalist display of tables. It removes all the dividers to reduce the visual noise and other unnecessary clutter.
Zebra Stripes
With the right shades of colors, readers can keep their place while reading. Each row has different background colors.
Horizontal Lines
This row style only shows the horizontal lines. This reduces the visual noise and unnecessary clutter of a grid.
This combines both horizontal and vertical lines. It is the typical table structure seen on many websites created by top Chicago web design companies.
This row style provides separation between data points. The only disadvantage is that it can be distracting if it has too many details.
Tabular Numbers
When optimizing the table UI design, all the digits must have a balance or the same amount of space. That is called “tabular numbers.”
They are easy to compare, which makes them ideal for any type of website’s data table.
Ensure to format the date or digit to the same length. For example, use the dd/mm/yyyy instead of dd/m/yyyy.
Check that the values stay left-aligned by default. They should always display this way.
However, remember that the Percentage, Amount, and Date should be right-aligned.
Dividers are essential to add extra clarity but are not always necessary.
If there are lots of columns or the details are getting too close to one another, use dividers. They will keep the data table clutter-free and clean.
To leave out the dividers, it’s possible to have smaller and less dynamic tables. A designer may choose to use them to make the table more attractive.
Choosing the right typography can make or break the data table UI design. Although it is not the main priority, the visual presentation can attract more visitors.
It’s not necessary to use super fancy typography to create an ideal data table. But there are specific rules that can help to make them decent-looking.
Still, matching the table graphics with the overall website graphics will ensure that it won’t pop up like an eye-sore, maintaining a consistent and pleasant look. Graphic design software can be of assistance.
Tips for Creating or Choosing a Typography Design
- Only use simple fonts.
- Don’t italicize or bold the texts.
- Don’t use Serif fonts.
- All caps are hard to read. Avoid using caps lock when writing your text.
Fill the Blank Spaces with a Marker
One thing to keep in mind is that there should not be blank spaces. If the data doesn’t apply to a particular cell, use a marker, like an icon, cross, or dashes.
Set a Fixed Row Height, but Make Sure Columns are Resizable
Fixed row height enables readers to view the data with ease. They don’t have to scroll up and down to find the missing information.
It’s also important to make the columns resizable. Nobody wants to create a new table because they need to add a few details or information.
The solution for this is to make the columns resizable.
The table UI design would look weird if it had too many rows and columns in different sizes. It would also look messy and disorganized.
Structured information allows readers to grasp what the website is all about.
Even with resizable columns, don’t put all the details in a single column. It only adds to the reader’s confusion.
Regardless of the content, all rows should have the same height. It helps to make the details more obvious and improves the overall aesthetic.
Table Functionality
Data tables should be intuitive. This allows visitors to scan, analyze, understand, and compare the data of each item, package, or product. Ensuring that your data table functions as intended and provides a user-friendly experience relies on a comprehensive integration testing strategy.
The following section will explain how to make this possible.
Use Table Sections
Consider using table sections or table grouping to group related rows. These sections are necessary if putting all similar data together.
They must share the same set of columns. It would be natural to group rows when listing countries or regions.
Ensure that the table sections are collapsible or expandable. Don’t forget to show summarized data when readers need it.
Design Patterns and Common Interactions
Users and web visitors have pattern-seeking tendencies. UX designers use this to create patterns with reusable solutions for usability problems.
These patterns also come in useful when one needs to create a table quickly. people don’t have the time to invent or create a new data table UI design, they can use these patterns as the sole solution for that.
Create Moveable Columns
Users want a customizable table, allowing for easier adjustments in the future. This has several benefits, especially if they’re going to move it to other pages or other page sections.
It also allows them to remove or add new columns.
As a UX designer, it is crucial to give users the ability to move or reorder the cells and content. It’s possible to order the table columns according to the data’s importance, date, or alphabet.
Make the Table Customizable to Add or Edit Data
If the goal is for users to add or edit several data, ensure that the table can edit or add new data. However, if editing or customizing a data table is not the priority task, they can simply use an edit action per row.
While handling errors, try using both color and icons to help with accessibility. It would also be helpful to show the rows with errors by putting a ‘Count on the Table’ header and the on-click filter.
Make the Header Labels Clickable
Making clickable header labels enables users to sort and filter the tables.
It is essential to mark the sorted table column by placing an arrow next to the column name. This shows the order of the sorted column, whether it is ascending or descending.
On the other hand, users need filtering when dealing with a large amount of data. This is possible by using a dropdown, radio buttons, or checkboxes.
It is possible to prioritize the filters based on urgency and frequency while leaving other tasks under the filter menu.
By making the header clickable, users can customize the filters they want to keep. They also have complete control over the actions for the data table.
Freeze the First Few Columns or Rows
This step is crucial, especially if there are too many columns in the data table. It will maintain the whole table context, while the rest of the table gets a scroll bar.
Fixed Columns
For horizontal scrolling, often the first column contains the identifying information. It is advisable to fix this first column in place.
That keeps the row identifier visible to viewers and provides the needed context.
Fixed Headers
Keep the column labels visible all the time. As users scroll vertically, the fixed columns show the identifying information.
Table UI Design Examples
Catalog of Drivers
Top Mutual Funds
Sisyphus™ — dashboard table filtering

Table’s Filters Component – Backmarket Back Office

Column or table view for pricing page

Financial Report By Segments
Catalog Of Books
Sharefox | Orders Page • Desktop & Mobile

Dark Mode Table

Laptop Online Catalog
Pricing Section
Temperature Report – Maximums
Statistics Table With Charts
Payfit – Table component (Midnight Design system)
Employees Table
Table Filters
Impower menu

Pricing – Light and Dark mode
Saved Views

Admintory Order Details

Data grid expanded – Figma Material X design system

Components allocation by supplier (Retail planning SaaS web app)

Data table for HR

Table Ui template for Material X design system

Tables – Product planning (SaaS web app)

User & Group Management

Amondo — Curation Dashboard 4.0

PartsHub Contextual Table Design

Sychromedics Surveillance

Company Performance – Stock Analysis (Web app)

FAQ about table UI design
How can I make my table UI design more user-friendly?
Whip up a UI that speaks directly to the user’s needs. Think smart—sortable columns for sorting champs, filter controls for decision-making ninjas, and responsive design for those on-the-go. It’s about making complex data feel like a walk in the park. Simple actions, clear labels, and visual cues? That’s the ticket.
What are some responsive table design strategies for mobile devices?
For those little screens, you’ve gotta pack a punch with responsive tables that stack up, literally. Say adios to pinching and zooming. Opt for card layouts or collapsing columns. Prioritize your data; show what’s crucial first. And hide the extras, giving users the power to reveal as they please.
How important are accessibility features in table UI design?
Super important! It’s about giving everyone a seat at the table. Work those WAI-ARIA standards into your code. Make sure screen readers can narrate the table saga—headers to rows. Be the hero who ensures keyboard navigation is smooth and considers contrast ratios. Inclusivity for the win.
What’s the role of visual hierarchy in table UI design?
Visual hierarchy is your silent conductor, guiding users through the data symphony. High-contrast headers grab attention. Row highlighting whispers, “Check this out.” Zebra striping says, “Follow the pattern.” The goal? Streamline the journey from question to answer without the user batting an eyelid.
Can you suggest some tools for prototyping table UI designs?
Tools are your best buddies here. Sketch and Adobe XD let you mold your table UIs with pixel precision. Figma jumps in when it’s time to collaborate and iterate. Throw in some UI kits and you’re not just designing; you’re storytelling with data as your narrative.
How do I integrate interactive elements in my table UI?
Interactive elements? Now, that’s where fun meets function. Hover states, modals for detailed views, or even inline editing—talk about elevating the data experience! Give ’em playful yet practical; think JavaScript for functionality, HTML for structure, and leverage UX design tools to streamline the process. Make sure the clicks lead to insights, not just… clicks.
What are the trends in UI/UX design for tables?
The design world’s buzzing with minimalism—sleek, clean, distraction-free tables. But there’s also a wave of contrast—bold headers, bright accents for active elements. Layered with a UX design principle that never gets old—the table must answer the user’s question before they even ask it.
How can I ensure my table UI design is consistent with my brand?
Brand consistency is about echoing your voice through UI components. Are you all about edgy and bold, or soft and approachable? Let those vibes flow into your table designs, from the colors and fonts straight down to the button styles. An aligned table speaks volumes about your brand’s story.
What are the best practices for pagination in table UI design?
Think snack-size; nobody’s here for a data overload. Pagination is about serving it up just right—not too much, not too little. Give users control over the show—options to select their serving size are a nice touch. And navigation? Make it simple, intuitive, a no-brainer.
How do I handle large datasets in table UI design without overwhelming the user?
The trick’s in the delivery. Don’t just dump data—organize it. Pagination, remember? And don’t forget—and this is key—filter controls. Offer a way to slice and dice without breaking a sweat. Smart search operations can rescue users from data avalanches. Keep ’em scrolling, but keep ’em sane, too.
So, we’ve danced through the digital playground of table UI design examples, haven’t we? From sleek responsive tables that snugly fit any device to the subtle interactivity that makes data spring to life with just a hover. It’s clear: tables are no longer just for accountants and data analysts to toil over.
You’ve seen the power of thoughtful design—how sortable columns and filter controls can turn a data grid into a choose-your-own-adventure. How pagination and zebra striping can make endless rows of information as digestible as your favorite weeknight dinner.
The big takeaway? Those tables are an unsung hero in UX design, where each cell and row can tell a story, and every design choice is a verse.
Take these insights, these inspirations, and mold your data tables into something unforgettable. Here’s to making the practical magical, the overwhelming intuitive, and the mundane downright mesmerizing. Now, go make some waves with those tables.
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