Check out these WordPress CRM plugins

Customer Relationship Management or CRM has become essential to any client-focused business looking to understand customers and increase their engagement all the way across the customer lifecycle. WordPress CRM or CRM for WordPress works in the same way.

The process starts with collecting data, which is then analyzed. The analysis helps identify potential problem areas of a business, and it may also disclose unknown opportunities. CRM, including WordPress CRM, is an industry expected to reach 36 billion dollars in 2018.

WordPress is a multifaceted, versatile platform that is getting more and more powerful every day. For plugin developers, it is an opportunity to create new tools designed to solve the needs of business in unique ways, such as plugins offering the best CRM for WordPress.

WordPress CRM plugins

  1. Zero BS CRM

Epic Plugins brings into play Zero BS CRM, a hybrid WordPress CRM plugin designed to allow businesses to host their CRM, own their data, select their features, and pay a small amount to get the best WordPress CRM enhanced by a complete set of comprehensive extensions.

A relatively new WordPress CRM, Zero BS CRM enjoys 5-star ratings for 100 installations that are currently active. Its developers are not new to the game though, and their portfolio includes more than ten different WordPress themes and 50 different WordPress plugins.

Benefits of the Zero BS CRM plugin include:

  • It is periodically updated as version two has already been launched
  • It is a very easy to use WordPress client management plugin
  • It lets businesses generate customer invoices
  • It allows business to send and maintain quotes without any additional cost
  • It offers a set of clever extensions, including a sales dashboard extension similar to that of Baremetrics.

Other extensions available for this WP CRM plugin include Gravity Forms, Mail Campaigns, PayPal Sync, Simple CSV Importer, and Woo Sync.

  1. WP ERP

WordPress ERP or WP ERP is a free two-module CRM plugin that offers an HRM and Accounting module in addition to the CRM module. It features over 1,000 installs that are currently active as well as a 5-star rating among small and large business clients. It’s a good ERP software to try.

An unlimited number of entries can be created in any of the two modules of this CRM WordPress plugin with other characteristics including:

  • 44-currency support
  • WordPress dashboard customization options
  • Numerous types of listings: opportunities, leads, companies, customers
  • The possibility to insert notes for different leads
  • The potential to specify access permissions
  • An integral communication system via email and notifications
  • Group contacts
  1. WordPress-to-Lead for Salesforce CRM

One of the top CRMs, one of the best salesforce WordPress plugin, as well as the most popular CRM plugin for WordPress, Salesforce caters to the distinct needs and expectations of small and large businesses alike offering vigorous functionality and smooth design.

This WordPress CRM plugin is stored in the cloud, enhancing web and mobile access. This WP-CRM features 8, 000 installs currently active as well as 4.3-star customer reviews. While the WPCRM plugin is free, a premium account is required for WordPress CRM integration.

A great benefit of this CRM WordPress plugin is that it allows businesses to collect leads via their WordPress website and then send them to their Salesforce account directly. This wasn’t possible before as collected data had to be copied from one program into the other.

While businesses still need to use two different tools to conduct their CRM, it is still an essential first step that Salesforce has accomplished by developing this feature. A future where client info can be managed in WordPress directly looks more promising than ever.

  1. UkuuPeople

UkuuPeople allows the use of a CRM solution within the WP system. This is one of the CRM plugins that promise to make CRM simple and easy for any owner of any WordPress site.

UkuuPeople is a free plugin that also comes with premium add-ons that allow businesses to integrate their UkuuPeople CRM system with Gravity Forms, MailChimp, Google Apps, etc.

These are just some of the tasks that you can manage from your WordPress dashboard directly when you opt for UkuuPeople as the best WordPress CRM plugin:

  • Possibility to manage contacts via a master list
  • Option to categorize contacts into groups/tribes
  • Possibility to start interactions with contacts via touchpoints
  • Possibility to add new team members as well as assign tasks to them
  • Possibility to schedule meetings
  1. UpiCRM

UpiCRM is a free-standing WordPress CRM plugin designed to enhance WordPress contact management. This is a WordPress contact manager that works very well with WP contact form plugins to manage as well as secure leads inside the WordPress system.

Its proposed user management solution lets businesses group contacts, assign leads, and send emails among others. This WordPress CRM plugin supports Google Analytics, which is a great feature that gives companies an accurate and deep understanding of users’ activity.

  1. Presspoint CRM

Presspoint CRM is not a free CRM WordPress plugin but a paid WP CRM solution. This particular WP CRM plugin provides a full spectrum of features and added functionality.

It is equipped with e-commerce, including WooCommerce customer relationship manager, e-mail automation, opportunity management, as well as WordPress built-in custom forms.

PressPoint CRM’s exceptional features consist of content restrictions, customer directories, as well as the ability to generate individual custom profiles for each user on your website.

  1. WordPress Leads

WordPress Leads is a free WordPress CRM plugin featuring more than 10,000 installs that are currently active and enjoying 4 out of 5 stars WP client reviews. It is easy to set up and use and comes with a complete spectrum of useful features:

  • Easy-to-use integral visual form builder;
  • Automatic detection and collection of data from submitted data;
  • Tracking the page on which a lead turned into a buyer for improved content strategy
  • Syncing with third-party CRM solutions.

WordPress Leads is more than your typical WordPress CRM free solution; it is a smart framework that will facilitate lead and contact info collection, management, and storage, which will provide useful insights of the leads a business collects on their WordPress site.

WordPress Leads operates within the best practices of inbound marketing. Also, it fits in logically with the free WordPress Landing Pages plugin.

  1. DX Sales CRM

DX Sales CRM is one of the best WordPress business plugins that companies could use for their Customer Relationship Management on their WordPress-based websites. A free WordPress CRM plugin, DX Sales CRM is very well-structured and extensively interactive.

DX Sales CRM has a set of critical features, including the ability to handle customer data in hierarchy progression, ability to boost offers to customers, a simple dashboard as well as reports, ability to create a self-service gateway, and efficient database management.

CRM does not guarantee business development, but business development is not possible with adequate CRM. DX Sales CRM is worth checking out as a promising CRM solution with exceptional features such as FAQs and video tutorials.

  1. WP Fusion

WP Fusion is an impressive and paid WordPress CRM plugin that acts as a connecting bridge between the activity on your website and your Customer Relationship Management.

Tasks that WP Fusion can help you with include capturing new leads, building membership websites, keeping customers’ info in sync, recording e-commerce transactions, and more.

WP Fusion has several features, including:

  • Syncing WordPress Data with CRM
  • Using tags from CRM to lock pages in WP and create membership sites
  • WooCommerce CRM integration and Easy Digital Downloads integration
  • LifterLMS, LearnDash and other learning management systems integration

FAQ on WordPress CRM plugins

Why do I even need a WordPress CRM plugin?

Oh, I get this one a lot. You see, having a CRM plugin for your WordPress site is like having a super-organized, always-on assistant that keeps track of your clients and potential leads.

Imagine having all your contacts, interactions, sales funnels, and even email campaigns in one spot. It’s especially useful for folks looking for lead generation tools for WordPress or to manage their entire customer relationship without switching platforms.

Are free CRM plugins any good?

Well, ain’t that the million-dollar question? Look, free CRM plugins can be a great starting point, especially if you’re just dipping your toes in the world of customer relationship management.

They offer basic features, and for some businesses, that’s just perfect. But remember, you often get what you pay for. So if you’re expanding or looking for more advanced features like analytics and reporting plugins, going premium might be a good idea.

Can I integrate CRM with WooCommerce?

Totally! There are CRM plugins designed specifically with CRM and WooCommerce integration in mind. This combo is perfect if you’re running an online store.

By merging these, you get to track sales, understand customer behavior, and maybe even upsell some products. It’s like pairing chocolate with coffee; both are great on their own, but together? Magic.

How secure are these CRM plugins?

Security is no joke, especially when you’re handling customer data. Most reputed WordPress CRM plugins take this very seriously.

They often come GDPR compliant and use robust encryption. But, just a heads-up: always backup your data, keep your plugins updated, and maybe don’t go for that shady-looking CRM plugin offering the world for a nickel.

Does CRM handle customer support?

Ah, good one! Many CRM plugins do have customer support functionalities, but not all. It’s all about making your customer management a breeze. Some integrate with live chats, others with ticket systems.

If support is a big deal for your business, you’ll wanna make sure the CRM you’re eyeballing has those features, or can easily integrate with other customer support plugins.

How do CRMs work with email?

You’re onto something there! CRMs often have email integration. This can be super handy for sending out newsletters, promotions, or just keeping your contacts in the loop.

Whether it’s for outreach or regular updates, having a CRM email integration means you can automate a lot of the communication work and keep it all organized under one roof.

Do they have mobile versions?

For the always-on-the-move folks, yep, many CRM plugins are mobile-responsive. In our digital age, having a CRM you can check from your phone can be a real lifesaver.

Whether you’re catching up on tasks during your commute or updating client info from a coffee shop, mobile capability is kinda the bee’s knees.

Can I customize my CRM?

Absolutely! Flexibility is the name of the game. Many CRM plugins for WordPress allow you to tweak and tailor them according to your business needs.

Whether it’s custom fields, unique sales stages, or special CRM modules, there’s likely an option or extension for that. After all, every business is unique, right?

What if I have multiple users?

Multi-user setup? No sweat! Many CRM systems, especially the premium ones, offer multi-user capabilities.

This is ace if you’ve got a team and want different folks handling different aspects. Assign tasks, set roles, control permissions — it’s all part of the CRM party.

Any tips on choosing the best one?

Here’s the golden nugget: always pick a CRM based on your business’s specific needs. Are you all about sales? Look for good sales tracking. Run an online shop? Check that CRM and e-commerce blend.

Always read reviews, maybe test a few out, and don’t forget to ensure they’re updated and supported regularly. Remember, the best tool is the one that makes your life easier, not more complicated!

Ending thoughts on WordPress CRM Plugins

As your business grows and you build a solid customer base, your site must be equipped with a WordPress CRM solution that helps you learn more about clients and therefore expand your business by offering customers the services, products, and support they need.

In addition to highlighting growth opportunities, WP CRM solutions can identify and pinpoint customer segments that do not perform well. This article displays only some of the WP CRM plugins available, but there are many more on the market or in the making.

If you enjoyed reading this article on WordPress CRM plugins, you should check out this one about WordPress FAQ plugin.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like WordPress translation plugin, WordPress download manager plugins, PDF viewer for WordPress, Mailchimp for WordPress, WordPress redirect plugin, CRM for Gmail and WordPress migration plugin.

Milos Timotic
Milos Timotic

Full Stack Web Developer

Articles: 41