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Currency, percentage and other columns

Currency, percentage and similar column in wpDataTables

Sometimes you need more than an integer or a float column when you’re referring to a percentage, or to amounts in euros, dollars, etc.

Adding all these examples as column types would make the plugin usage confusing for users, so we found a different solution: we added a “Cell content prefix” and a “Cell content suffix” block for each of the column settings.

Whatever you enter in the “Cell content prefix” (for example a $, or other currency sign) will be rendered in each cell of this column before the actual cell value; whatever you enter in the “Cell content suffix” (For example “%” or “pcs.”) will be rendered after the actual cell value. These entrees will not affect sorting, filtering, or any other column functions.

Example of a table with currency columns

E.g. for this table the “Yearly revenuecolumn has a “$” sign defined in the “Cell content prefix“:

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