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Global page search shortcode

Instructions how to use global page shortcode

Global table search option with one filter field on the page:

[wpdatatables_page_search placeholder="Search all tables" use_button="1" button_placeholder="Search button" use_global_search_only="1"]


  • placeholder – placeholder for input field
  • use_button – whether you want to use the search button
  • button_placeholder – the name of the button
  • use_global_search_only – if you want to turn off the global search of the table itself but that it can be searched through this field
  • class – if you want to add a class to the input field
  • button_class – if you want to add a class to the search button



[wpdatatables_page_search placeholder="Search all tables" use_button="1" button_placeholder="Search button" use_global_search_only="1" class ="placeholder-class" button_class="button-placeholder-class"]

You can also use only the shortcode like this:


Then by default it will be the “Search All Tables” placeholder, without search button.

or : [wpdatatables_page_search use_button="1"]

Then by default it will be the “Search All Tables” placeholder, and deafult button placeholder will be “Search”.
If you don’t use a search button class, the default button layout from the theme you’re using will be applied.  

If you want to use the appearance of our button, add the class wpdt-custom-button.
[wpdatatables_page_search use_button="1" button_class="wpdt-custom-button"]

search button image with class

DatatablesUsing global page search cell shortcode for datatables

Search table


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