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License depends on subscription plan that you purchase:

Basic – Full plugin that can be used only for one domain or project.

If your multiple sites are sub-sites of the same domain, and apply to the same project, you can use one license.

Pro – Full plugin that can be used for 3 domains.

Developer – Full plugin that can be used on unlimited number of domains.

The prices for these licenses can be found here, and they are based on either a yearly subscription, or a lifetime purchase (depending on what you choose) and all licenses include support and monthly updates the whole time the subscription lasts, unlimited tables, unlimited charts, conditional formatting and separate database support.

If you cancel subscription after one year, plugin will still work properly and you will have all your settings. You will not receive new updates and you won’t be able to submit tickets with our customer support.

There is no built in option, but you can use wpdatachart callbacks. Every chart exposes several options that customize its look and feel. Charts usually support custom options appropriate to that visualization. You can use it for adding options that are available in Highcharts API. In this callback in method wpDataChartsCallbacks 15 is id of the chart which you want to change colors.We used hex color codes with some random colors, but you can change it for your needs. There are six of them(if you have six series) if you had it more then you have to add more colors in colors array, separated with comma(except last one). On the end insert this script above shortcode of your chart on page.

<script type="text/javascript">
    if( typeof wpDataChartsCallbacks == 'undefined' ){ wpDataChartsCallbacks = {}; }
    wpDataChartsCallbacks[15] = function(obj){
        obj.options.plotOptions.pie = {
            colors: [
            dataLabels: {
                    format: '{}{point.percentage:.1f} %'

Yes you can do that by changing some code. Open file ../wp-content/plugins/wpdatatables/source/class.wpdatatable.php and around line 3315 you will find this:

'orientation' => 'portrait',

Just replace it with this:

'orientation' => 'landscape',

First option would be to click on “Column settings” buttons which you can find in header of every column in “Table preview and columns setup” section.
After that Column settings modal will open and, under “Display” tab, you can find “Visible on front-end” option.

Second option would be to click on “Complete column list” button wpDataTables complete column list to open a modal where you can quickly access some column settings.
In the modal you can click on show/hide icon to toggle visibility for each column.

It is recommended that if you don’t need certain columns to remove it from data source or select query for mysql tables if possible.
It will speed up loading of the page and result in more clear look of column setup section.

Firstly “responsive” feature needs to be enabled for the table.
This can be done in wpDataTables table edit page by ticking the “Responsiveness” checkbox on “Display” tab in table settings and saving changes.

The second step involves going to the wpDataTables Settings page and setting “Tablet width” option to a large value (e.g. 2000) and saving options.

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